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Monday, April 11, 2016

Message from Puerto Rico to the U.S. Government

Message from Puerto Rico to the U.S. Government

PLEASE read and listen to this message to learn about the major issues that the Puerto Rico island and people face due to the restrictions put on it by the United States.   There are 3.6 Million Puertorriqueños in the island and 5 Million in the United States.  We are doctors, lawyers, congressman, teachers, writers, artist, musicians and so much more. We served in the U.S. military since World War 1 and continue to contribute to the United States society in many ways.  You love our music, food and beaches so why not help us to help ourselves, to build a sustainable economy!!!!  Alida Hernandez

Lcda. Alexandra Lúgaro

By:  Lcda. Alexandra Lúgaro
Originally Published on Oct 14, 2015


Currently, Puerto Rico is going through the worst fiscal crisis in its history. We owe 73 billion dollars to our lenders and we are not generating enough revenue to pay them back, while continuing to provide public services to our people.

To this day, the United States controls all of Puerto Rico's foreign relations, customs, immigration, postal system, communications, radio, television, commerce, transportation, social security, military service, maritime laws, banks, currency, judiciary, tariffs, trade relations, shipping industry and cabotage rights, yet shockingly they continue to avoid their responsibility over Puerto Rico's fiscal crisis.

We know where we have failed, but we are willing to make it right. We're just requesting the same from the U.S. Government:

1. Derogate the Jones Act to allow non-American ships to carry goods between Puerto Rico and the U.S. mainland in order to lower Puerto Rico's shipping costs and give us a real chance of competing in the world economy.

2. Enact for Puerto Rico a Visa Waiver Program similar to the one extended to Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands, in order for us to be able to attract visitors, doctors and students from Central and South America, jump starting our tourism industry and being able to compete with neighboring islands.

3. Take an active role in solving our financial crisis, working with our government to define a strategy that will help us meet our responsibility with bond holders and develop a healthy and sustainable economy. 

President Barack Obama and Members of Congress: We’re not asking you for money or for pity, we’re just asking you to assume your responsibility and help us get back on our feet.


Actualmente, Puerto Rico enfrenta la peor crisis fiscal en su historia. Adeudamos 73 billones de dólares a nuestros acreedores y no estamos generando suficientes ingresos para pagarles y a su vez continuar ofreciendo, servicios públicos a nuestra gente.

Al día de hoy, los Estados Unidos controlan todas nuestras relaciones con el exterior, aduanas, inmigración, el servicio postal, las comunicaciones, la radio, la televisión, el comercio, la transportación, el seguro social, el servicio militar, las leyes marítimas, la industria bancaria, nuestra moneda, el sistema judicial, los aranceles, los intercambios comerciales, la industria de transporte y los derechos de cabotaje. Sin embargo, sorprendentemente, éstos continúan evadiendo su responsabilidad sobre la crisis fiscal de Puerto Rico.

Sabemos donde hemos fallado, pero estamos dispuestos a arreglarlo. Solo pedimos lo mismo del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos:

1. Enmienden la Ley Jones para permitirle a barcos no estadounidenses transportar bienes entre la isla y los Estados Unidos continentales, de modo que podamos disminuir nuestros costos de transporte y tengamos una oportunidad real de competir en la economía mundial.

2. Autoricen un Programa de Exención de Visa para Puerto Rico similar al autorizado a Guam y a Las Islas Marianas del Norte, para que podamos atraer visitantes, doctores y estudiantes de Centro y Sur América, propulsando nuestra industria turística y logrando competir con las islas vecinas.

3. Asuman un rol activo en resolver nuestra crisis financiera trabajando con nuestro gobierno para definir una estrategia que nos ayude a cumplir con nuestra responsabilidad con los bonistas y a desarrollar una economía saludable y sostenible.

Presidente Barack Obama y Miembros del Congreso: No les estamos pidiendo dinero ni lástima, solo les estamos pidiendo que asuman su responsabilidad y nos ayuden a levantar.

1) Because the Jones Act requires all transport between US ports be carried on US-built ships, the Jones Act supports the domestic US shipbuilding industry.[15][16] Critics of the Jones act describe it as protectionist, harming the overall economy for the sake of benefiting narrow interests.[17][18] With protectionism as its competitive advantage, the need for innovation and cost efficiency is greatly reduced. They also argue that even if the ultimate goal is to support the US shipbuilding industry, the Jones Act is an ineffective way to achieve this goal, as it drives up shipping costs, increases energy costs, stifles competition, and hampers innovation in the U.S. shipping industry.[19] As a result, U.S. built and flagged vessels lose part of their competitiveness in international markets, with its cheaper and more modern vessels.
The following was taken from:

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